Monday, November 12, 2007

Fabulously rotten power

Installing more power lines could be dandy. Maybe they will finally even run one between Minidoka and Arco, symbiotically bringing improvements to that dusty dangerous road.

However, no one much is blogging about another important costly infrastructure aspect, which we will be likely saddled with, inside of 10 years. It’s easy to predict that older power lines across the country will begin deteriorating en masse, due to the reaching of the end of the line of their expected lifespans. As will ancientfied bridges, water, sewerage, gas & oil pipelines.

However, it’s not fashionable for politicians to blow a bunch of hot steam complaining about imminently needed infrastructure improvements, when so few of their constituents are listening to the tedious subject. Why should our elected officials waste their precious time writing the words to a sermon no one wants to hear? Who wouldn’t agree that liberating expensive ski hills from fires and bringing in truckloads of sand to fill washed out beaches are the apt issues of our day?

In the meantime, notch a friendly reminder onto the beginning of your next Mayan Calendar, to be prepared for frequent brownouts and worse, throughout our country within the decade, due to our infrastructure-deficit-disorder.

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