Monday, February 04, 2008

The Dave Matthews Band experimental muse.

We were having a post-Super Bowl celebration party, somewhere around a cacophonous Boise Train Station when suddenly, a young woman entered the room, who was one of Dave Mathews backup singers. She began, making an announcement by singing “Dave Mathews will be very happy that the train did not stop properly at the new station, so he could join your party.”

At first, I thought that she was putting us all on, that she would sing such a bland announcement, especially since it was a facetious proclamation. She was like a personal singing telegram. The problem soon became more evident. This young woman could not talk, but only sing – in a beautiful melodious voice that easily carried you and your heart with it. She even sang about how she had become this way. I felt like she wanted to be this way, sing about the most infinitesimal of daily events, in order to bring more light to everyone’s path she intersected. That was probably okay being in the band atmosphere and everything, but what about daily life away from the band –if she ever left them?

Soon a makeshift doctor’s examination room came into play, which the young muse entered with a physician. She kept repeating in medium-loud song,

“The dogs 2 parallel are…

The dogs 2 parallel are…

The dogs 2 parallel are…”

Most of us seemed slightly concerned, but thought, like in any subway situation, where people are inhibitors, that the situation would soon just go away. However, there was one very young girl there, with intuition that something was strangely amiss. This girl tried to peek into the examination room. However, it was no avail and the young singer continued with her strong windpipes to repeat the strange turbo-like chorus:

“The dogs 2 parallel are…

The dogs 2 parallel are...”

Finally, Dave Mathews himself, who had been dropped off at a further train station, came in the open waiting room, and sat down to listen to his experimental muse. (Evidently, trains were new in coming back to Boise and the conductors had not yet worked out all the kinks) He didn’t seem upset, but rather calmly pleased that his new experimental muse was stuck like a repeating record, and jotted a few notes into a musical clipboard. Finally, a spiritual machine that helped determine lyrical meanings, cut in over some ever-present loudspeakers to fill the void at end of her stanza, by interjecting, “The dogs 2 parallel are rude!”


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Interesting dream. Music in dreams is often uplifting, but yours had an unusual catch phrase, repeated. The idea of someone only being able to sing seems like a metaphor for a feeling of being good at one thing, and only one thing. But an incredible ability can turn into a disability. Does that have any meaning?

    Also, train dreams. I have far more dreams of riding in a train than actual physical train trips. The message could be that I'm still in training!

    You mentioned the dream was post-Super Bowl, but I guess you had it prior to the Pats-Giants game. Today's Palm Beach Post featured a front-page photo of Manning in a victory stance. Above it was a caption: GIANT SPOILERSPORT. Not bad, but as a former headline writer on a daily paper, my first instinct after the game was: Eli Manning and the Heartbreakers.

    BTW, as soon as I heard that Petty was playing the half-time show, which I didn't know about until the second quarter, I had the impression that the Giants would win, that it would be a heart-breaker. And I was backing for the Pats to go perfect, being a long-time Randy Moss fan. At least he got a TD.

  2. R. M., Thanks for the interpretation. One incredible ability turning into a disability is a right on bulls-eye. Our area is rich in train history, although there is no longer a train coming into Sun Valley. Last week, I suggested to the Regional Historian at the library that we audio interview a woman who rode the last train into town, in '74.

    The dream actually occurred last night, after the Super Bowl. I forgot about Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers when writing about the dream. The folks who I watched the game with last night, were mostly Patriots fans. In addition, most of them were former colleagues from the paper. One of them was going whole hog for the Patriots, especially when it looked like they were probably going to win, before the tide turned. When they lost, it was clear he was severely disappointed. When he left with his wife and their 4-year-old daughter, something minor happened which made the daughter cry repeatedly for what seemed like several minutes. After they left, some of us remarked that perhaps she was channeling the energy of her father’s grief over the game. Thinking about it now, these too, were likely connections to the strange dream.

    The outcome of the game did not matter to me very much, although I claimed that I was rooting for the Patriots, only because Mary Anne from Gilligan’s Island was doing so. Dawn Wells is now an Idaho gal, who runs a spudtacular film festival in Driggs, Idaho.

    Usually our insulated local papers only make slight mention of national events. Not sure if they will mention the Super Bowl in the Wednesday Weekly, but I am half-tempted to tell the chief photographer about your ‘Eli Manning and the Heartbreakers” suggestion.

  3. A spiritual machine that helps determine lyrical meanings? Man, I could use one of those!

    Not sure what to make of the "dogs 2 parallel"... Although, the continual repetition is sort of train-like (that continual rhythmic drone you hear while riding a train). And train tracks are parallel, of course.


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