Friday, September 14, 2007

The Sunset Channel

There’s an autistic kid who remembers 
Every sundown he’s experienced.
Tries to see one every dusk
Then invests them in his memory bank
It’s quite remarkable this ability he’s honed
Cherry-picking shade and spectrum details
He can tell you –if you want to know- how the landscape shifted
Anywhere in the world on November 22, 1963 - for instants.
To better see nightfall, he’ll go on hayrides 
Sit on top of stacks and find poetry up there
Sways back his hip head through covered bridges
Just fell off the rear of a spud wagon the other day
From an early age he realized Sunsets would become something 
So important that he would make his mark on the world with them
Sometimes his kinfolk laugh –splash puddle remarks behind his back
Hardly realizing that it is they who are more crippled then he. 
One evening it was too stormy to see much of the sky
So he went down to the Zenith TV factory
Gazed in the window to see if they
Might be featuring a sunset on TV
Nothing was on, so he begin to kindly query passerby
“Have you seen a hole in the sky
where some Sol might squeeze through?”
Burgess Meredith handed him a remote control to part the stratosphere

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