Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Capturing Photons with Huck Finn’s Slingshot

Some recent information, which a friend electronically sent me regarding Time-Travel, reminded me of this eye-catching blogpost about CERN

Now there is even a lawsuit over this, the intent of which is to keep Earth and perhaps our universe from being sucked into a giant black hole!

Now there is a great cause for shore, if I ever saw one. Perhaps even bigger than Al Gore’s warm head. Then again, who knows for sure? Perhaps a spiraling vortex ride will be refreshingly super-fun!

Lately I have been reading Graham Hancock’s book Fingerprints of the Gods. Mr. Hancock also is the author of a great anthropological tome called Supernatural, which I also found to be thoroughly intriguing. He interprets a wide variety of evidence to document how some ancient technologies surpass anything we have now – or at least anything available to the public. The books starts out with some captivating evidence about how some ancient maps of antiquity, match the ground surface of Antarctica, with a high degree of accuracy. Only recently, have modern scientists shown how accurate those old maps were, when they conducted soundings through Antarctica’s ice sheet to reveal where the true coastline of the ground underneath lies.

Mr. Hancock goes on to speculate in an interesting fashion about the true age of the Egyptian Pyramids along with how they were utilized in mysterious methods, to match potential aspects of our at-the-ready Hadron Collider.


By the same token, here is an interesting extract from a NY Times Book Review, regarding recently passed science fiction author, Arthur C. Clarke:

"For all his acclaimed forecasting ability, though, it is unclear whether Mr. Clarke knew precisely what he saw in that future. There is something cold in his vision, particularly when he imagines the evolutionary transformation of humanity. He leaves behind all the things that we recognize and know, and he doesn’t provide much guidance for how to live within the world we recognize and know. In that sense, his work has little to do with religion.

But overall religion is unavoidable. Mr. Clarke famously — and accurately — said that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

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